Pat and the TriJordan Challenge

Pat and Bea getting getting practise for the sponsored ride


Pat, one of our livery customers, is doing an overseas challenge, the Tri Jordan on horseback, to raise money for Marie Curie.
All kind of fun ideas for  money raising have been happening,  from guessing when Zoe would be born  (incidentally the prize, a  teddy was won by Ann and very kindly given to Zoe) and how heavy she would be , Mark got that right.  The swear box is forever being added to and of course the £5. fines for falling off , Mark again being the only person to add to this particular pot.
We also had ‘Who killed Archie Mitchell’  and no one guessed Stacey.
Pat has been seen accosting customers on their way into and again on their way out of  Tesco in Ilfracombe, waving her daffodils until they buy at least one.
One event  everyone is particularly looking forward to is the Race night,  being held at the Greenhouse in Lynton on March 26th, tickets available from Sparhanger, Pat and the Greenhouse. Pat is also looking for sponsors for the races if anyone is interested.
Sparhanger Equestrian Centre
Mobile 07968066973  or phone 01598 753283

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One response to “Pat and the TriJordan Challenge

  1. Mark Brown

    Count us in Pat.

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